ICT AmmA Partnership
We have secured a two year ICT Partnership with the Amma Centre, Armagh. We were really delighted to be successful in our application as a large number of schools applied.
Our staff were keen to explore the creative use of digital technologies in their classrooms, therefore the ICT areas we will develop this year are digital storytelling and animation. AmmA will deliver training to all staff in these areas, this will help us to develop and embed new skills and ICT experiences.
This will have a great impact on teaching and learning and as a result will have significant impact on the children in terms of their learning experiences, engagement in lessons and overall ICT confidence and competence.
St Colman’s Primary and All Saints' Nursery, Annaclone, Banbridge, County Down BT32 5LS Phone: 028 4067 1363 Email: info@stcolmans.annaclone.ni.sch.uk