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St Colman's Primary and All Saints' Nursery, Annaclone

What a busy first month in Primary 1!

10th Oct 2022

We can’t believe it’s October already and nearly time for Halloween too! ๐ŸŽƒ In the month of September we were super busy exploring many nursery rhymes as our class topic but our favourite had to be, “Three Little Kittens” who lost their mittens and we laughed as we watched a version where the crafty wolf ๐Ÿบ was responsible!! There was a Humpty Dumpty splatted crime scene in our play-room as well as Incy Wincy in the water tray, Jack and Jill in the tuff tray and Old Mother Hubbard eventually got an Asda delivery for the home corner! We have been busy drawing and reciting our favourite rhymes on the I-pads and had never before heard the story of Humpty Dumpty being a mean old egg who wanted to be king of Nursery Rhyme Land. We are well settled into the routine of our Literacy and Numeracy task boxes, some of us even stay for after school clubs and we are becoming more confident as we prepare for our first assembly “Rusty Squirrel’s First Autumn.” ๐Ÿฟ

We certainly just don’t play all day!!