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St Colman's Primary and All Saints' Nursery, Annaclone

P7 Service of Light

6th Jan 2020

At Confirmation, we are called to do a special job or mission. We are called to witness to Jesus in our lives. Witnesses are people who speak about what they have seen and heard. We are called to speak about Jesus in our words and actions. Another way of saying this is that we are asked to be “Lights to the World”. We can be ‘lights to the world’ by being cheerful and joyful, by showing love and not being selfish and by doing the right thing even when it is not the cool thing to do.

Jesus once said, “You are the light of the world. Your light must shine in the sight of all people, so that, seeing your good works; they may praise your Father in heaven”. At Baptism parents take a light from the Paschal Candle as a sign of the faith that they are going to hand on to their children. It is also a sign of the help and support they are going to give their children as they try to live out the faith in their lives.

During the Service of Light, the P7 Confirmation candidates will take the light from the Paschal Candle themselves. This is a sign that they are taking on the responsibility for their own faith. Parents will continue to help and support their children in taking on this responsibility.

At Confirmation, we are called to do a special job or mission. We are called to witness to Jesus in our lives. Witnesses are people who speak about what they have seen and heard. We are called to speak about Jesus in our words and actions. Another way of saying this is that we are asked to be “Lights to the World”. We can be ‘lights to the world’ by being cheerful and joyful, by showing love and not being selfish and by doing the right thing even when it is not the cool thing to do.

This years P7 Service of Light will take place in Annaclone Chapel at 7pm on Tuesday 14th of January. Children from P4-6 will make up the choir for the evening and will play a strong supporting role for their peers, as they embark on the next step of their lifelong journey of faith.