Access Keys:

St Colman's Primary and All Saints' Nursery, Annaclone

P4 Healthy Me Workshop

26th Nov 2020

“Healthy Me” is a vibrant and engaging mental health promotion programme aimed at children which explores emotional/mental health, healthy lifestyle choices and pathways to effective support through imaginative and interactive play and song.

Healthy Me positively promotes mental health and social and emotional well-being in children and has a strong focus on prevention and self-help.

Healthy Me aims to:

Promote social and emotional well-being through problem-solving, coping skills, conflict management and managing feelings,
Improve the emotional and social well-being and resilience of children.
Encourage help-seeking behaviour in children and help them identify sources of support
Improve children’s emotional literacy,
Challenge stigma and discrimination in relation to mental health and social and emotional difficulties
Promote the equality of mental health with physical health
Encourage joined up, multi-agency working in relation to the support of children with mental health needs,
Improve knowledge of sources of advice and support for children regarding mental health.
Enable early identification of children experiencing mental distress.
Support the transition from primary to secondary school.
To encourage adults to think about their own mental health needs.