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St Colman's Primary and All Saints' Nursery, Annaclone

Homework- Week beginning 21st of September

19th Sep 2020

Hi Primary 7,

I have set work for you all to do on Study Ladder and Mathletics, which needs to be completed by Thursday night, so I can check it on Friday Morning. Remember only complete the tasks I have set for you. I have set Maths & English work in Study Ladder, so make sure you complete both.

Your Maths work on Study Ladder and Mathletics is under the planet name for your group. (For example; Mercury, Neptune, Saturn or Mars

Your English work on Study Ladder is under your reading groups colour. (For example; Red, Brown, Green, Orange, Yellow, Purple, or Blue)

Your spellings this week are List 3, remember to learn one set each night, from the spelling sheet that was sent home 2 weeks ago, then you can revise them all on Thursday night, for your test on Friday. 

Tables Groups (This work will be tested on Friday also)

Rhombus- cubed numbers and problem words (such as product = x, sum of = +, difference between = - )

Triangle -Revise x4 tables complete 7x6 to  7x12

Square- Revise all x2 tables  begin 3x0-3x6

Circle - Number bonds for 10 revise also learn odd & even numbers

The reading groups are sorted, but don't forget to read books of your own at home and do AR quizzes on them, as school reading books will not be going home this year, so you need to be reading extra books at home.

Only 8 have you have done AR quizzes so far, I would like you all to have completed at least 1 AR quiz by the end of this week.