Access Keys:

St Colman's Primary and All Saints' Nursery, Annaclone

Growing Kindness

10th Sep 2019


During 2019-20 our P7 Prefects, our school councillors, our playground buddies and indeed our whole community are thinking about the theme of kindness.

Our aim is to spread a little more kindness throughout our school and become even kinder people.

We have explored what kindness means, what it might look or feel like and looked at good examples of kindness in our assemblies.

Our House Captains this year will also be 'Kindness Captains' and we will ALL model kindness to each other.  Some children will wear Hi-Viz jackets for us to wear during playtimes.

Class Kindness Captains are responsible for:

  1. Spotting other children being kind.
  2. Being extra kind to other children.
  3. Looking out for children who might feel better for somebody being kind to them.
  4. Telling adults and other children about acts of kindness they see or experience.

Staff are also looking out for children demonstrating kindness, they will award Kindness Coins which are counted at whole school assembly on Friday's.

P7 are also keeping a 'Golden Kindness' book where children write down good examples of kindness.

Have you got any other ideas about how we can become even kinder?

Please let your teacher know about kindness at home too.