Access Keys:

St Colman's Primary and All Saints' Nursery, Annaclone

Collection of ‘home learning’ packs

20th Mar 2020

Dear Parents,
Our staff have been working very hard to collate resources to begin a home learning programme initially for the next 4 weeks. This will be supported by a ‘Home Learning Link’ on our school website which is password protected. Information on how to access the home learning portal is enclosed in your child’s pack. Each Monday your child’s teacher will upload a work schedule for the week. We will also provide a comprehensive list of online resources that parents can use for reading and interactive educational apps.

Please observe the following protocol when coming to collect your children’s work packs. These are in place to reflect best practice guidance in relation to the spread of the Coronavirus.

- Please do not bring children
- practice social distancing, i.e keep 2 meters apart if waiting.
- If you are unable to pick up your pack, please arrange someone to do it for you.

Pick up times as follows:
Monday 23rd March
NU/P1- 9.30- 10.15
P2 and 3- 10.15-11.00
P4 and 5- 11.00-11.45
P6 and P7 11.45- 12.30

Times are staggered to ensure numbers visiting the school are kept to a minimum.

Please come to collect your pack at the time of your youngest child and pick up the packs for all of your children. Staff will hand the packs out from the front steps/school porch, no adults will be allowed entry to the school. Please bring an empty school bag or plastic bag.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support during this difficult time.