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St Colman's Primary and All Saints' Nursery, Annaclone

Primary 2 - Mrs Burns/Mrs McCambridge

Welcome to Primary Two.

Mrs. Burns and Mrs. Mc Cambridge are our teachers.
Our classroom assistants are Mrs.Higgins, Mrs.Mc Veigh and Mrs.Morgan


Welcome to our Primary 2 page.

Language and Literacy

P2 Literacy focuses on continuing our learned Jolly Phonics from Primary 1 and beginning to look at Linguistic Phonics and variations of the same sound. We use the Complete Spelling Programme, words based on a rhyming pattern together with high frequency words to help with our spelling. We continue to develop language skills through shared and guided reading sessions, teaching new skills and key reading strategies to allow our children to progress at their own individual pace. This year we want our children to see themselves ‘as writers’ to take risks in their writing for a range of purposes where every attempt and effort will be praised. 


P2 Numeracy continues to expand our knowledge and understanding within the five main areas of Mathmatics. We spend much time completing practical work, establishing patterns which in turn will help us to use Numeracy in everyday life. We like to use our interactive board for mental maths games and Mathseeds to consolidate topics covered in the classroom. 

Play-based Learning

Play is a crucial part of our school day in the Foundation Stage and is where the majority of our learning takes place and makes sense. We plan play through a topic based approach and for this half term it is “Friends and Fairytales.” We provide many opportunities for outdoor play and peer play with the Primary 1 children at every session and take time to have a plenary each day, allowing children to share their learning, imaginative play and creative crafts with their peers. 

Please keep an eye out on our page to see the fun and varied learning taking place and as always, thank you for your support throughout the year.

The Primary 2 Team 



21st Mar 2025
Primary 2 are busy exploring a world full of famous people and before even beginning...
21st Mar 2025
Today in Primary 2 we proudly showed off our stripy, football, spotty, patterned,...
15th Mar 2025
The school was awash with green for our St. Patrick's Day concert on Thursday. ...
11th Mar 2025
For World Book Day this year we set all our pupils the challenge to design front...

Latest Photographs


Class Photograph
